New Asset Version on Update Mappings

New Asset Version on Update Mappings

The new_asset_version_on_update_mappings parameter controls whether a new version of the asset needs to be created or if an already existing asset in Bynder can be updated based on attribute mappings.


The new_asset_version_on_update_mappings parameter specifies which attributes trigger the creation of a new version of the asset in Bynder when updating asset mappings. If an attribute is listed in this parameter, we will check if an asset exists for that attribute. If an asset exists, it will be updated to a new version. If no asset exists, a new asset will be created. If an attribute is not listed, a new asset will always be created in Bynder when updating asset mappings.


The new_asset_version_on_update_mappings parameter is an array containing attribute names. Each attribute name represents an attribute that determines the behavior when updating asset mappings.

Set the value of the new_asset_version_on_update_mappings parameter to control the behavior:

  • Include the attribute name in the array to update the existing asset version or create a new asset if not already existing when updating mappings for that attribute.
  • Exclude the attribute name from the array to always create a new asset in Bynder when updating mappings for that attribute.


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