Metadata file


Metadata File

The Metadata file is an option where the end user provides media-files along with a metadata file containing essential product and attribute-related information.

  • The metadata file can be in CSV or XLSX format.
  • Ensures a one-to-one link between the product and attribute by providing the necessary information in the file.

Certainly! Here are the examples proofread and simplified:

Example Metadata File 1

file attribute products
123467_W.jpg main_file SP1234
123467_S.jpg thumb_file SP1234
123465_W.jpg main_file SP1235, SP1233

This example illustrates providing additional asset attribute information using specific attribute codes.

Example Metadata File 2

file attribute products tags label-nl_BE
123467_W.jpg main_file SP1234 ecom 123467_W (ecom)

In this example, you can see how to include additional details like tags and localized labels (e.g., label-nl_BE) alongside product and attribute information.